Freitag, 6. April 2012

Made my eyes burn

Über den Lomography Lady Grey hab ich mich ja schon mal ausgelassen und das hier war die zweite Filmrolle. Ich wiederhole mich, aber ich finde den Film einfach fantastisch!
I already talked about Lomography Lady Grey and this was the second roll I shot. I know I'm repeating myself, but I think this film is fantastic!

Took this with self-timer of my Zenit. Worked surprisingly well!

I took the next pictures at a certain Christmas market, which is set up in the forest and how can I put this?! This place was totally magical. Little children ran around, dressed up as creatures from fairytales and you got food on every other corner and the put up a huge lightning ball. Yes that was an amazing experience! Also a guy asked me where the hell I found my camera :D

You can find a painting under "Yes I paint", that was inspired by that shot.

My lovely other sister, Juliane, who casually refuses to be photographed.


2 Kommentare:

  1. the black and whitre is so perfect! I love the second one!! (:

    1. Thanks a lot! I think my lab does a great job on developing these negatives. :) And you're from Barcelona? Yes I'm jealous!! I can't even tell how jealous I am! Huh! :)
