Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

I'm not like them but I can pretend

Ich glaube über Schwarz-Weiß-Film hab ich mich schon mehrmals eingehend ausgelassen, deshalb hier einfach n paar Bilder aus Salzburg.
I guess I already said more than enough about black-and-white films. Here are simply some images I took in Salzburg.

I really like that sculpture

This is some kind of decor..

That little cute boy cried like the world's gonna stop rotating. He really wouldn't came down for minutes. I took his picture, went into a church and returned after like 20 minutes and he still cried. His father wasn't too patient after a while and it was quite touching and all. I mean, you barely see someone freaking out in public these days. Except kids. I wouldn't want to ask them, if I might take a picture - usually people act differently when they know, you take a picture. And I guess in that situation that family wouldn't be pleased at all. And if you tell them afterwards, they get mad. So yes, I feel kind of bad, for just taking that without asking, but sometimes you can't help it.

This tree is so amazing and every time I walk by, someone's sitting there or children are playing around there.


I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me

"Norwegian Wood" ist mein Lieblingssong der Beatles. Wer ihn nicht kennt, sollte schleunigst YouTube oder ähnliches durchsuchen. Warum mir grade der Titel zu den paar Bildern einfällt - keine Ahnung. Ich mag ihn auf alle Fälle!
Ich hab gerade mein Zimmer neu eingerichtet und deshalb musste auch gleich das neue Bett abgelichtet werden. Hier hab ich, wie auch das letzte Mal, Diafilm crossen lassen. :)
"Norwegian Wood" is my favorite song of the Beatles. If you don't know it, you should instantly search for it on YouTube or other pages. Why this song comes on my mind for this photos - no idea. I just like it a lot!
I just redecorated my room and that's why I photographed my new bed. Again I had slide film crossed here. :)


Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

I don't even know what I was running for - I guess I just felt like it

Lieber n paar gute Bilder als 76568, die mir nicht gefallen. Ich hab heute von nem gecrossten Lomography Diafilm zwar nur 8 Abzüge bekommen (es lohnt sich die Kamera nicht zu öffnen, wenn man gerade belichtet), aber die gefallen mir ganz gut. :)
I rather get a few good images than 76568, that I don't like. I only got 8 prints of a crossed Lomography slide film, but I like this 8 ones (quick tip: do not open your camera, when you're shooting). :)

I really like that one. Pretty little kitty.

Our super sweet cat who's lost for a few weeks now :(